‘RUC as we know it – will it last?’ 
Debatindlæg l 26.04.2018

RUC as we know it – will it last?

Debatindlæg l 26.04.2018
2 min
When you arrive at RUC as a new student, one of the first things they tell you, is that we have a very social and inclusive environment.

Skrevet af

Anna Lydia S. Mørk

Cecilie H. F. Möller

Emma S. Schacht

While Hanne Leth Andersen focuses on RUC as a unified campus, what we as students recognise, is the social environment we experience through our social unity at extracurricular activities. The social gatherings have become a tradition, which most of us students cherish. It’s a place for us to get to know each other in our basis houses, when we’re just starting, and it’s a place for the older students to catch up with each other, once we’ve been parted. The strong social bond we form at RUC, is in large part why many of us chooses to stay – not to mention the possibility of combining your courses, in a way which no other university offers.


So please, don’t demolish RUC as we know it.

Studies from Uddannelse- og Forskningsministeriet show that 41% of the students who drop out, choose to do so, because they in some or large part feel lonely at their university. So why are we bringing this up? We’re doing that, because amongst the administration at RUC, they’re contemplating, not allowing us to use the houses to throw parties. Instead they’re considering forcing us into using fewer locations, which not only will cause logistic problems in planning but also result in a crowd in size, which the buildings aren’t equipped to handle. While that might be a way to promote collaboration between the houses, we see a problem with not having the opportunity, to utilise our houses as a source of unity. In our experience, the possibility of hosting a party, which is only meant for your house, will help strengthen the social bond. Furthermore, this sanction will have the effect, that we’ll be moving further and further away from the RUC that we all know and love.

While we acknowledge the fact, that the wear and tear of the houses is a problem, we feel that the administration needs to take into consideration, that one of the most beloved things at RUC is our social community. Should they choose to take that away from us, students will most likely start to seek out other institutions, which can offer the same courses as they do here. And with that, cause the students to seek out different locations to gather socially, which neither we or the administration wishes to happen.

RUC has always been social and should continue to be so. So please, don’t demolish RUC as we know it. Help us work out a solution, in which we can continue to nurture the wonderful social network we have created on what was once nothing but a ploughed field.